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Gas demand 9% lower in June compared to last year

By July 27, 2023No Comments

Warmer weather and the ending of the academic year in education institutions led to demand for gas dropping by 10% in June compared to May.

Overall, gas demand was 9% lower in June of this year compared to last, Gas Networks Ireland said.

The residential sector drew -53% less gas in June compared to a month earlier, while demand from offices fell -47%, leisure and sports arenas by -31% and retailers -27%.

Versus June of last year demand plummeted by -47% in residential settings, -46% in the construction sector and -32% in offices.

Over the first half of the year, demand for gas rose slightly in comparison to the final six months of last year, but fell 2% below what was used between January and June of 2022.

During the first six months of this year, gas generated 9% more of the country’s electricity than it did in the same period last year, coming in at 49%, while the contribution from wind dropped 6% to 34%.

In June alone, 58% of Ireland’s electricity came from gas, similar to the previous two months and the same month in 2022.

23% was generated by wind.

Article Source: Gas demand 9% lower in June compared to last year – Will Goodbody – RTE

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